05-25-2009 - BarentsObserver - Norwegian energy major StatoilHydro is in “intense discussions” with Gazprom over joint projects in Russia, Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv reports. According to StatoilHydro spokeswoman Mari Dotterud, company CEO Helge Lund last Wednesday took part in a board meeting in the Shtokman Development AG. He also met with Gazprom leader Aleksey Miller and leader of Total Christophe de Margerie. The StatoilHydro-Gazprom talks came the same week as Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg met with President Dmitry Medvedev and PM Vladimir Putin. Accoring to Dagens Næringsliv, StatoilHydro was instrumental in preparations for that meeting. -We are pleased with the results from the meeting, Ms. Dotterud says. She does not want to speculate on the company’s plans in Russia. As BarentsObserver reported last week, Aleksey Miller and de Margerie that same Wednesday had a meeting Moscow, where progress in the Shtokman project was discussed.
# posted by Deval
11:26 AM