05-21-2009 - Act Media News - Moscow held talks between members of the Romanian delegation and the Russian authorities were positive, and a joint commission was set up, which is going to present in two months to the energy ministries in the two countries solutions for Romgaz-Gazprom direct cooperation links, announced on Wednesday Romanian Economy Minister Adriean Videanu on a TV channel. He pointed out that Romgaz will eventually import natural gas directly from the Russian Federation and a joint company might be set up in charge with the gas storage, creating the premises for an eventual gas tariffs reduction.At present, Romania imports gas from the Russian Federation through Russian-German Wintershall Co. Economy Minister declined to provide an estimation linked to an eventual cut in gas price starting July 1, saying that this is an exclusive prerogative of the National Regulatory Authority in Energy Field. The Minister of Economy is paying a visit to Moscow on Wednesday and Thursday aimed at the preparation of the future session of the Romanian-Russian Inter-governmental Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation. On this occasion the two sides will examine the stage of the cooperation projects in energy field, as well as the needed approaches for the implementation of the respective projects. According to Agerpres, the delegation accompanying Minister Adriean Videanu to the Russian Federation includes representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Trade and Business Environment, as well as of companies in energy field - Romgaz, Transgaz and Transelectrica.
# posted by Deval
7:40 AM