Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Gazprom, Wingas to boost underground gas storage to 8 bln cu m
MOSCOW, December 18 (RIA Novosti) - Gazprom [RTS: GAZP] and Germany's Wingas AG intend to boost their joint underground gas storage capacity to 8 billion cubic meters, the Russian energy giant's chief executive said on Tuesday. Alexei Miller said Gazprom was implementing two underground storage facility projects and could launch two more similar projects in Britain and Germany in the near future. Meanwhile, Alexander Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Gazprom management committee, said the joint underground gas storage capacity could be increased by 2010. Wingas is a joint venture of Wintershall, Germany's largest crude oil and natural gas producer, and Gazprom. Wingas has been engaged in gas distribution since 1993 and supplies natural gas to public utilities, regional gas suppliers, industrial and power plants in Germany and other European counties via network pipelines extending over 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles).
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